Thursday, January 19, 2012


I got to thinking the other day about the lack of jobs out there and it occured to me that if all the seniors out there actually retired, there would probably be enough jobs for those of us who can't retire yet and have a family to support.  I'm not bashing seniors by any means here, but really, they are getting their social security checks and are supposed to be retired!  I know the checks are not much, for many, but for the most part their bills get paid and they have food.  Some of us are really struggling for basic needs.  I go into my local Walmart and I swear half the people who work there are seniors!  It's crazy!

Gone are the days of walking into a place, filling out an app and talking with the manager and getting hired.  Not any more!  Everything is done online, for most places now.  But that's not the hard part.  The hard part is having to take those stupid assessment tests!  Whoever came up with that idea, should be thrown in jail!  Those tests are so stupid!  I have NEVER had a problem finding a job, until recently, because of those crazy tests!  I KNOW I would have a job at a store right now if it wasn't for that test.  Those tests mean nothing!  Every manager that I've talked to agrees with me!  It's so frustrating!

So between those tests and seniors still working, it's no wonder there are so many people out of work!!

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